Your skin does a lot for you. It’s time to give a little back with these five natural supplements for skin and be (more) beautiful. Your skin does a lot …
Rebecca Artz

Rebecca Artz
Rebecca Artz lives in Chicago, is currently a digital product manager for a publishing company based in Boston, and is a freelance contributor to Health Food Radar. She spends her free time cooking, reading, kickboxing and is endlessly entertained by her Siamese kitten, Luna.
How to reset your gut health after a party? 7 tips for how to lessen the damage and bounce back more easily from all the extra goodies. The holiday season …
- Health ConditionsHealthy Body Healthy Mind
5 Ways to Build and Keep Strong Bones
by Rebecca Artzby Rebecca ArtzOur bodies need to last us for a long time. Maintaining proper bone health should be a part of everyone’s overall strategy for good health. One major reason: By age …
To give your home an extra boost. Consider trying some natural cleaners to accomplish your cleaning goals without the use of harsh chemicals.
- Natural IngredientsSupplements
5 Supplements for Natural Pain Relief
by Rebecca Artzby Rebecca ArtzAlthough over-the-counter, nonsteroidal medications are effective for pain relief, you might also consider natural pain-relief remedies that aren’t as harsh on your body to process, especially if you suffer from …
- Digestive HealthHealth Conditions
Hard to Digest Foods: 5 Foods That Can Be Upsetting
by Rebecca Artzby Rebecca ArtzThe digestive system is a delicate ecosystem that needs to be cared for. Prioritize that gut biome and avoid hard to digest foods. The digestive system is a delicate ecosystem …
- Digestive HealthFood/Recipes
High Fiber Healthy Foods: 4 Tips on What to Eat and What Not to
by Rebecca Artzby Rebecca ArtzThere’s a long list of benefits to maintaining a diet high in fiber. Here are four tips on fiber-rich healthy foods to include in your diet. High-fiber foods are a …
- Digestive HealthHealth Conditions
Digestive Discomfort? Five Herbs to Soothe the Gut
by Rebecca Artzby Rebecca ArtzHerbs for gut health: To Digestive Discomfort. More Americans — up to 72 percent according to a recent study — are living with some sort of digestive discomfort. It may …
- Food/Recipes
Pass the Ketchup, Hold the Additives: Revamp Up Your Condiments with Fresh Ingredients
by Rebecca Artzby Rebecca ArtzPass the ketchup, hold the additives: Revamp up your toppings with these fresh healthy condiment recipes. Have you noticed how expensive store-bought condiments and salad dressings have become? Even the …
- Health ConditionsHeart Health
5 Supplements to Keep Your Heart Healthy
by Rebecca Artzby Rebecca ArtzSupplements for Cardiovascular Health. With cardiovascular disease topping the list of leading causes of death in the U.S., it’s important to take preventative measures to keep your heart healthy. Along …